2016年10月12日 星期三


Importance of Illustration and Text

1. Sense making
2. Words or pictures
3. Synergy = word+ pictures   
stitching together the words and pictures to make meaning

4. Three stories: words/ pics/ union

1. Current cultural emphasis
2. Visual communication
3. Parallel storytelling  

Contemporary Picturebooks
1.A sense of humor     
2. Interanimating  Empower readers to know more. Picturebooks motivate new interpretations of their style  
3. Discrepant text lead to an open ending  (some pics leave the reader with a different reality and to create their own closure for the story p. 51
4. Alternate perspectives

Systems for Text and Illustration
1. Symmetrical interaction
2. Enhancing interaction 
3. Counterpointing interaction
4. Contradictory interaction

Literary Elements and the Picturebook


1.Round character

      3.Continuous narrative  


*Closed ending
*Open ending: 
  less solution/many gaps and uncertainties

lead to an open ending (some pics leave the reader with a different reality)
lead readers to create their own closure for the story.
 ( similar values in quite different cultures)


Theme creates an understanding about life,
human nature or elements of society
courage, perseverance, tolerance, peace, 
hope, love, trust

èCurrent issues è one central theme
è Identity / Process of discovering who I am


We “see” setting through words as well as pictures.

These books are classic examples of integral setting: both 
author and illustrator integrate visual and word pictures for 
setting that is closely interwoven with character, acter,
action, and theme.

Example book: Mailing May 

5.Point of view

First-person:  I 

The Polar Express

Dual: first & third-person narration in the text and illustration


The Snowy Day 

Objective: description / Omniscient: he “thinks” / he “knows”

Omniscient: he “thinks” / he “knows”

6.Style and Tone

1.Style: size, shape, materials
2. Tone: overvall feeling

Tone in a picturebook is generally an 
     overall feeling, frequently an emotional response created through the story’s resolution. 

7.Peritextual Elements

1. Intertextuality: how books relate to on another, 
    forms the basis of our textsets.
2. Transtextuality: the connections within and 
    across texts.
3. Paratexts: has become valuable as one of may 
    ways to work with their increasingly visual 
 4. Peritext: includes features such as the dust 
     jacket, covers, title pages, casings, and 

Artistic Styles




Illustrations è literary elements
Illustrations è experience / pleasure / meaning

Illustrations impact each of these literary elements in varying degrees, depending on the relationship of the words and pictures.

As we contemplate illustration, we see it as an extension of experience, an additional source of pleasure but also an integral part of constructing the meaning of increasingly savvy picturebooks.

